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2015 Spring recruitID

March 11-13, 2015
IIT Institute of Design
350 N La Salle St
Chicago, IL 60654

Find out why IIT Institute of Design graduates lead strategy at organizations like IA Collaborative, Adaptive Path, Method, McKinsey, LG Electronics, Mayo Clinic, Steelcase, SC Johnson, Doblin, gravitytank, McDonald's, and more.

At recruitID, we welcome recruiters from around the world to meet and interview exceptional students and alumni for full-time and internship positions.

After a resume review, each organization pre-selects candidates to interview. We provide facilities and coordinaton over several days while you and your colleagues conduct one-on-one interviews.

Over lunch, your organization has the option to give a short presentation to all the attendees. We also offer a common space for you to network with colleagues or step away from the interview room.

"Hands down the best recruiting experience I have had out of all that I have attended. I appreciated the interview style, the privacy, and viewing resumes and choosing a schedule prior to coming out. I've met some of the strongest, smartest, most creative students I have come face-to-face with this year."

Bridget O’Neill
Talent Acquisition Manager, Siegel+Gale

Who are our grads?

Our graduates have titles like:

Design Planner / Design Strategist / Senior Innovation Strategist / Director of Product Development / Director of Innovation Methods / Director of User Research / Brand Strategist / Director of Interaction Design / Senior Information Architect / Director of Strategy and New / Business Development

Where are our grads?

Our graduates work at:

Conifer Research / Doblin/Deloitte / GE Healthcare / Gensler / Google / gravitytank / IA Collaborative / IDEO / Jump Associates / MAYA / Mayo Clinic / Moment / McDonald’s / Nestlé Purina / Salesforce / Samsung / Steelcase / SC Johnson / Teague / Whirlpool / Wrigley

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