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Food Systems Action Lab

Food Systems Action Lab

The path from farm to fork—and beyond—is often a mystery.

The Food Systems Action Lab visualizes our current state so we can create a more desirable food system and understand how all of its elements should interact.

Working with diverse partners, we build understanding of the current situation so we can activate new ways for communities to come together and build more equitable and effective food systems.

Learn more at the lab website.

Apples on a conveyor belt


Weslynne Ashton

Weslynne Ashton

Professor of Environmental Management and Sustainability & Food Systems Action Lab Co-Director

Contact Lab Co-Director Weslynne Ashton for inquiries about and partnerships with the Food Systems Action Lab.

About Weslynne
Weslynne Ashton
Discover ID Research
Our Work

Maura Shea

Associate Professor of Civic and Community Design & Food Systems Action Lab Co-Director

Contact Lab Co-Director Maura Shea for inquiries about and partnerships with the Food Systems Action Lab.

About Maura
Maura Shea
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