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Net Positive Behavior Action Lab

Net Positive Behavior Action Lab

Design can help us understand humans, their behavior, and the results.

The Net Positive Behavioral Action Lab focuses on collaborative projects in a variety of complex domains—from research assessment reform to global development—that require humanity-centered design, applied behavioral science, and systems thinking.

Through experimentation and real-world application, we generate behavioral design approaches to understand and address some of the thorniest issues our society faces and bring about net positive results. We recognize the unique challenges of behavior design within our complex systems, and use a transdisciplinary lens to move from theory into practice.


Pedestrians at an intersection heading different directions.


International Rescue Committee
Brown University
Carnegie Mellon University


Ruth Schmidt

Ruth Schmidt

Professor of Behavioral Design

Contact Net Positive Behavioral Action Lab Director Ruth Schmidt for inquiries about and partnerships with the Net Positive Behavioral Action Lab.

About Ruth
Ruth Schmidt
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