Advanced Listening and Presentation in Design II
Advanced Listening and Presentation for Design II
Objective & Outcomes
This course will teach advanced communication strategies necessary for design students to interact in academic and professional contexts. Students will develop their critical listening and discussion skills with extended discourse on design topics. Students will also develop greater fluency, accuracy, and clarity through a semester-length project. This course will enable students to build confidence in presentation, discussion, and project work.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to communicate in speaking with respondents, design professionals, and the community at large applying conventions of U.S. academic and professional culture. Students will be able to answer interview questions incorporating their resume and portfolio, conduct an extended conversation or interview on a topic related to design.
Typical Schedule
- Session 1: Introductions & Review of Active Listening & Clarification Questions
- Session 2: Asking & Answering Interview Questions
- Session 3: Asking & Answering Interview Questions
- Session 4: Understanding & Applying Register & Tone
- Session 5: Inferring Meaning From Context
- Session 6: Understanding Language of Repetition
- Session 7: Practicing Use of Thought Groups and Focus Words
- Session 8: Advanced Discussion Strategies & Stress in Spoken Language
- Session 9: Facilitating a Discussion & Intonation Patterns
- Session 10: Research Interviews
- Session 11: Research Interviews
- Session 12: Strategies for Group Presentations
- Session 13: Strategies for Group Presentations
- Session 14: Group Presentations