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Advanced Reading and Writing in Design II

Advanced Reading and Writing in Design II

Enables multilingual students to read critically, craft research papers, and write vivid descriptions of design work. 

Seize every opportunity to practice your English and force yourself to do it until you feel you are comfortable with it.
—English for Design Alumnus

Objective & Outcomes

This course will enable international students to read, discuss, analyze, and evaluate culturally relevant texts for validity, as well as to compose portfolio project descriptions and to analyze and synthesize sources in writing. 

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to write argumentative and descriptive texts on design-related topics, exhibit critical reading and comprehension of cultural issues impacting design, and write portfolio case studies.

Typical Schedule

  • Session 1: Introduction & Course Overview
  • Session 2: Reading Fluency & Critical Reading
  • Session 3: Communication Portfolio
  • Session 4: Writing Portfolio Text
  • Session 5: Writing Portfolio Text
  • Session 6: Critical Reading: Logic & validity
  • Session 7: Critical Reading: Author’s assumptions
  • Session 8: Argumentation
  • Session 9: Critical Reading: Analysis
  • Session 10: Synthesis of Sources
  • Session 11: Writing: Workplace communication
  • Session 12: Writing: Workplace communication
  • Session 13: Review
  • Session 14: Final Paper Due
