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Implementing Innovation

Implementing Innovation

Delivering business innovation with a design mindset.

Objective & Outcomes

This course will prepare students to leverage design strategy concepts and frameworks to solve real world business problems. The frameworks and approach applied during this course are based on practical, hands-on experiences with startups, multi-billion dollar corporations, and government agencies integrating design methods to define strategy, business model innovation and implementation. This course will prepare students to build deeper perspectives, challenge business model assumptions, and engage in strategic discussions with senior business leaders about the strategic direction and future of the business. This course will explore the realities of: 

  • Designing and articulating a clear and compelling vision and purpose statement
  • Intersecting design-strategy with operational constraints
  • Building a Strategic Roadmap for implementing business model innovations 
  • Managing communication and change with leadership and organization stakeholders

Upon completing this course, students will be prepared to take a leadership role in clarifying client business challenges, assessing opportunities, and implementing innovation. Students will understand how to communicate purpose and aspiration, test hypotheses on market dynamics and customer needs, and challenge business model assumptions to inform a Strategic Roadmap.

Typical Schedule

  • Session 1: Understanding Business Frameworks, Models & Value Drivers
  • Session 2: Applying Future-Back Design
  • Session 3: De-Risking Business Model Assumptions
  • Session 4: Articulating the Business Case for Investment
  • Session 5: Anticipating Change: Rational, Emotional & Political Drivers
  • Session 6: Communicating Insights & Final Presentations
  • Session 7: Communicating Insights & Final Presentations

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