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Introduction to Data Visualization

Introduction to Data Visualization

An exploratory and immersive journey of making information understandable and useful.

Objective & Outcomes

This course will take on these interrelated awareness, educational, and communication design challenges while striving to build student skillsets in a wide variety of contemporary design application spaces. Students will complete a variety of data research and visualization challenges throughout the course, explore data aesthetics and persuasion techniques, develop coding skills and data manipulation and research abilities, and complete a self-defined project focused on interactive and journalistic data storytelling.

Typical Schedule

  • Session 1: Introduction to Data Visualization with Python
  • Session 2: Data Wrangling for Visualization
  • Session 3: Advanced Plotting with Matplotlib
  • Session 4: Interactive Visualization with Plotly
  • Session 5: Geographic Visualization with Geopandas & Folium
  • Session 6: Statistical Visualization with Seaborn
  • Session 7: Final Project
