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PhD Philosophical Context of Design Research

PhD Philosophical Context of Design Research

Surveys the major philosophies and theories that underpin design research.

Objective & Outcomes

This class surveys the central philosophies and theories underpinning design research through exposure to some of the most significant scholars and public intellectuals in the field of design and related areas. Specifically, the following perspectives and traditions will be discussed: pragmatism, social construction of technology, actor network theory, feminist technoscience, design anthropology and pluriversal design. 

Upon completing this course, students will develop their own perspectives on the theoretical approach they may pursue in their individual research.

Typical Schedule

  • Session 1: Introduction
  • Session 2: Philosophies of Design
  • Session 3: Postcapitalism & Economies
  • Session 4: Innovation in Sociotechnical Systems
  • Session 5: Design Justice
  • Session 6: Posthumanism & Care Ethics
  • Session 7: Pluriversal Design
