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Research Photography

Research Photography

Explores the use of photographic imagery in design-led, user research and related activities.

I don’t trust words. I trust pictures.
—Gilles Peress

Objective & Outcomes

This course introduces students to using photographic imagery in design-led, user research and related activities. Photography is critical throughout innovation and design processes and is particularly important during upfront discovery research. Students will focus on building image making skills needed to succeed in research photography for user-based research and in aiding in design work for clients in innovation projects.

Upon completing this course, students will be able to analy​​ze images to inform a deeper understanding of user behaviors and needs.

Typical Schedule

  • Session 1: Introduction to Research Photography & Photo Basics
  • Session 2: Preparing & Conducting Field Research
  • Session 3: Using Photography in Professional Qualitative Research
  • Session 4: Thinking of Ethnography as Storytelling
  • Session 5: Structuring Your Work for a Deliverable
  • Session 6: Photographing Events & People
  • Session 7: Final Presentation

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