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Civic Design

Civic Design

Covers the emerging practice of applying design to areas of civic oriented challenges.

Objective & Outcomes

This course will equip students with the knowledge and skills to deeply understand the contextual challenges of applying design in the civic sector and the analytical skills to incorporate leading practices that help governments generate meaningful change in communities.  

Upon completion of the course, students will have strengthened core research, idea generation and facilitation skills, practiced collaborative analysis and synthesis, and generated community-based approaches to tackling civic challenges through the application of design methods to a real-world practice area.

Typical Schedule

  • Session 1: Introduction & Team Formation
  • Session 2: Overview & Approach to Civic Design
  • Session 3: Making the Case for Quantitative & Qualitative Data
  • Session 4: Engaging the Community as Co-Designers
  • Session 5: Framing the Future Through Place-Based Artifacts
  • Session 6: Leading Change & Demonstrating Public Value
  • Session 7: Wrap-Up & Final Mock Presentation for a Senior Government Official (i.e. Mayor, City Manager, Governor etc.)
