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Latham Fellowship

Latham Fellowship

With a deep respect for humanity, Latham Fellows address contemporary and cutting-edge topics in design.

ID’s 2024–25 Latham fellows, Albert Shum and Thamer Abanami, will host Season 3 of the With Intent podcast, to be released in fall 2024.

2022–23 Latham fellow Jarrett Fuller shared the latest chapter of design in Season 2 of  With Intent through in-depth conversations with ID faculty.

Design shapes how we live at the micro and macro scales—from the typography on the phones in our pockets, to the streets we drive on, to the systems that provide services to us on a daily basis.
—Jarrett Fuller, 2022–23 Latham Fellow
Book with the title: Where must design go next

Where Must Design Go Next?

For Season Two of With Intent, Latham fellow Jarrett Fuller spoke with ID faculty about the history of design, current challenges, and where design is heading next. Listen to the conversations or read Where Must Design Go Next?, published in December 2023 by ORO Editions.

Richard Latham

Richard Latham

About Richard Latham

Richard Latham (1920–1991) was an influential figure in design planning and strategic design who studied design at the Illinois Institute of Technology in the early 1940s. He served as director of design in Raymond Loewy’s Chicago office, later founding Latham Tyler Jensen Inc. and Richard S. Latham & Associates Inc., where he specialized in product planning, pioneering an important new area for industrial designers.

Latham was interested in using design to make a strategic impact on business and believed that the principles of design should be the core of business planning. Committed to this philosophy, he worked only with visionaries who had a deep respect for users, and who understood that sustaining their organizations depended upon this respect.

Is all this design necessary or literally are all these things necessary? . . . Had [we] not pursued the planning philosophy I probably wouldn't be asking myself these kind of questions, but rather concentrating on the next client and all the next things that we should design, whether the world needs them or not.
—Richard Latham

Latham Fellows connect to Latham’s philosophy and are selected because of their ability to challenge the boundaries of design and transfer knowledge about design and its value. Fellows give a lecture hosted by ID and share their emerging ideas with the ID community and the wider public by publishing freely available papers, articles, or other presentations.

Morgan Ames
Smiljana Antonijević (Amongst Digital Humanists)
Kenneth Bailey
Antionette Carroll
Fernando de Mello Franco
Aymar Jean Christian (Open TV)
Carl DiSalvo (Adversarial Design)
Paul Dourish (The Stuff of Bits)
Hamid Ekbia (Heteromation)
Robert Fabricant
Karl Fogel
Jarrett Fuller
Rob Girling
Marina Gorbis
Andrea Guzman
Chris Le Dantec (Designing Publics)
Michela Magas
Thomas Malnight
Rita Nguyen
Nassim Parvin
Dawn Nafus (Self-Tracking and Quantified)
Winifred Poster (Invisible Labor)
Daniela Rosner (Critical Fabulations)
Marques Rhyne
Tope Sadiku
Andrew Schrock (Civic Tech)
Evan Sharp
Adrien Segal
Knut Synstad
Skip Walter
Molly Wright Steenson (Architectural Intelligence)
Jon Veal
Richard Wallace
Mushon Zer-Aviv

Kristin Gecan smiles while sitting

Kristin Gecan smiles while sitting

Kristin Gecan

Assistant Dean & Senior Director for Content

Contact Kristin Gecan for media inquiries and event partnerships.

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