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Adithya Ravi on a Poetic Approach to Design

June 3, 2020

On ID’s Medium publication, Adithya Ravi (MDes 2020) proposes a design approach that borrows “a way of seeing and understanding experiences from the realm of poetry” in order to illuminate design paradoxes and reframe current design practices.

Adithya defines the traits of this poetic approach as fantastical, reflective, supervening, and transcendental, which he illustrates through the iconic chair designs of Konstantin Grcic, Maarten Baas, and Jonathan Muecke.

Poetic approaches can lend the practice of design a more subjective edge, something that decades of professionalisation and commercial application have distorted. Poetics affords design a chance to go back to the untied knots, loose ends, and unfinished stories that foster conversation. It brings back a sense of freshness, spirituality, and a different cadence to design practice and fosters deeper reflection, greater sensitivity to experience, and more expressiveness and experimentality to the nature of the practise itself.

Read the full essay on Medium and find more of Adithya’s poetry and design writing at

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