Agile for Design Outcomes
Agile for Design Outcomes
Understanding key principles, values, culture/behaviors, and methods of Agile in design practice.
Objective & Outcomes
The Institute of Design instills in its students to think strategically about a situation and reframe it by using specific design methods to deliver user-centered & business value. The challenge is in transitioning from qualitative reframing of problems to actually creating a solution that is ready for market. This gap will be addressed by linking human centered methods with using agile practices to create deeper greater specificity of a solution that can actually be released to market.
Upon completion of this course students will be able to create a focused point-of-view and reframe a problem, decompose a strategy statement into “who, what, wow“ statements, generate a service blueprint, map to specific features and functions and a backlog of prioritized work – that can trace back to the strategic statement in a virtuous cycle.
Typical Schedule
- Module 1: Exploring & Reframing a Problem
- Module 2: Defining a Minimum Viable Solution & Roadmap
- Module 3: Creating a Prioritized Backlog of Work
- Module 4: Developing a Minimum Viable Prototype