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Laura Forlano Keynotes Biodesign Online Symposium

By Kristin Gecan

April 5, 2021

Biodesign Online Symposium
ID professor speaks on Wednesday, April 21

ID associate professor Laura Forlano will keynote the Biodesign Online Symposium hosted by Biodesign Challenge, the University of Cincinnati, and the University of Toledo. The symposium will bring together the biodesign community across the US Midwest and kick off a regional hub for biodesign practitioners, research institutions, and students to share resources, collaborate on projects, and develop new teaching practices.

Biodesign bridges art, design, and biotech to reimagine a more sustainable and thoughtful future.

In the face of the global climate crisis, everything must be redesigned. The growing cross-disciplinary community around biodesign and, in particular, the Biodesign Challenge, offers exciting explorations of alternative possible futures for more-than-human co-existence.
—ID Associate Professor Laura Forlano

In a Zoom event that is free and open to the public, experts will speak about their work and ambitions for biodesign. Biodesign Challenge alumni will offer short talks about their projects and design processes.

Laura Forlano will also speak as part of the DFA Sparks Series on Wednesday, April 7 with Deepa Butoliya.
