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Rush University and Institute of Design Announce Collaboration

By Kristin Gecan

September 13, 2021

Nurse speaking to a member of the public
Launch event is 9/28

In an unprecedented multi-year partnership, Rush University Graduate College and ID’s Action Lab are collaborating on an innovative, community-centered approach to refining a health care model focused on equity.

We’ve seen thousands of deaths due to COVID-19, and we’ve seen how racism has intensified the effects of the pandemic. It’s time to take action against the factors that led us here. The Rush-ID collaboration will make real progress toward equitable, people-centered care, and I support these vital efforts to make our local, regional, and national healthcare systems more equitable.
—Illinois State Senator Mattie Hunter (Third District)

Associate Research Professor Kim Erwin, MDes, leads the collaboration at ID. Erwin has founded multiple centers to bring design to healthcare in Chicago. She leverages her years of experience applying design methods to the challenges of healthcare delivery in diverse clinical settings and patient populations. Assistant Professor Santosh Basapur, Ph.D., leads the collaboration at Rush. Basapur is the director of design at Rush University and an experienced human-centered health systems integration researcher and design educator.

On September 28, Illinois State Senator Mattie Hunter will join a virtual summit launching the Rush-IIT Institute of Design Action Lab project on equitable healthcare. The summit is open to the public. View the program and register here.

It’s time for a paradigm shift in the way we view and provide healthcare. This is the right problem to move on right now, and we have the right team—an unparalleled group of healthcare and design experts.
—Carlos Teixeira, Charles L. Owen Professor of Design at ID and director of ID's Action Lab

The graduate schools at ID and Rush University will offer courses, seminars, and events in the coming months for students, clinicians, and executives. Sign up here and select “Action Lab” to learn more and receive findings.

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