Learn how Michael Brennan and Civilla is inverting the social agency and philanthropy models to enable Detroit residents to help themselves. Get a behind-the-scenes tour of Thomas Edison's Menlo Park Laboratory with the chief curator at the Henry Ford Museum. Travel around the city visiting Foodlab, Detroit Soup, and Ponyride. Meet community organizers for dinner at an urban farm. See the Shinola factory where the owners are making an investment in skill at scale. At locations around the city participants will join IIT Institute of Design faculty in a conversation on the state of Detroit with the leaders making social change in the city.
About the Strategy World Tour
All of us are inundated by media accounts of how the rise of tech and manufacturing innovation, social innovation, the growth of the maker movement, and other forces are changing our world. However, we seldom get to meet the people and experience the places at the center of change. The Strategy World Tour will provide a behind-the-scenes look at the work of leaders in highly innovative organizations both large and small in five of the world’s centers of change.
Twenty individuals will be invited to join three-day tours between October 2015 and April 2016. During each visit, participants will have several intimate discussions about strategy with the CEOs who are driving design and innovation at public companies and with the founders of start-ups and social service organizations creating the next wave of innovation. The IIT Institute of Design Strategy World Tour will take participants to five transforming cites to experience innovation where it is most critical. The culminating event will be the Strategy Conference in Chicago in May.