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By Terah Delancey | Michael Ho | Isaac Jang | Zechariah Low

May 10, 2024

Rendering of the Duo concept in a luxury home kitchen.

A high-end, counter-integrated sanitizing appliance for kitchen pros and enthusiasts

For the workshop, our client Aquamox tasked us to uncover use cases and develop designs for their proprietary sanitizing technology, which generates aqueous ozone (ozone dissolved in water) for sanitizing food.

Secondary research covered existing solutions and processes for cleaning and sanitizing in the kitchen, while primary research revealed that cooking enthusiasts and professionals were more likely to appreciate sanitary practices, and a need for sanitizing products when preparing food. Our concept, Duo, integrates into existing lineups for high-end luxury kitchen design brands, blending into the countertop while leveraging greater name recognition.

Project Details

  • Class: Product Design Workshop
  • Instructor: Martin Thaler
  • Project Partner: Aquamox, Inc.

