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Positive Sum Design Methods

By Will Rutter

May 10, 2024

Practice-based approaches to creating more value through design

Positive sum design (PSD) is a framing for design practice and a cultural critique focused on supporting win-win approaches in design work to eschew zero-sum bias. To date, PSD work has been largely theoretical; therefore, developing methods intended to introduce PSD into design practice is essential for furthering its incorporation into the design field. In this project, methods were generated and then iterated through the incorporation of feedback from workshops, case studies, and expert interviews. Final methods are communicated here in a format adapted from Vijay Kumar’s 101 Design Methods and Hanington and Martin’s Universal Methods of Design.

View the full project here.

Project Details

  • Class: Independent Study
  • Instructor: Martin Thaler
  • Project Partner: Positive Sum Design Institute

