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Design is Around You

By Sujith Samuel | Palak Shah | Adelyn Soetyono | Ayaka Uriu | Yiqi Zhong

May 11, 2023

Design is Around You
Design is Around You

An interactive campaign that brings awareness to the power of design in everyday life

Design is a multidimensional concept that goes beyond creativity and app development. It encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including architecture, product design, fashion, and graphic design. At its core, design is a powerful tool that shapes and enhances our everyday lives. However, despite its significance, many people are unaware of its impact and potential. To bring attention to the power of design, our group – Sujith Samuel, Palak Shah, Adelyn Soetyono, Ayaka Uriu, and Yiqi Zhong collaborated with the Design Museum of Chicago to create an interactive campaign that engages the public in thinking about design in their daily lives. The campaign features five game kiosks located throughout the city of Chicago that pose simple ‘this or that’ questions to players, such as their preferred potato peeler or the inventor of the Rubik’s Cube. Upon answering the question, players receive a collectible card, which they can trade in for a Golden Card at the Design Museum of Chicago. Through testing the prototype, we were able to demonstrate the ways in which design can enhance our daily experiences and raise awareness about the importance of design. By engaging the public in a playful and interactive way, the campaign invites people to reflect on the role of design in their lives and recognize its potential to shape and improve the world around us. Ultimately, we aim to inspire a new generation of thinkers and creators who can harness the power of design to solve real-world problems and make a positive impact on society.

Project Details

  • Class: Multidisciplinary Prototyping
  • Instructor: Anijo Mathew
  • Project Partner: Design Museum of Chicago
Design Is Around You

