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By Florah Massah | Woo-Mi Jeong

May 11, 2023

An inclusive educational experience

The Journey app is an educational tool that teaches students about animal migration in a way that is accessible and inclusive. We believe that accessibility is a spectrum, with people constantly shifting their positions. With this in mind, the app was designed to reflect a wide range of human differences. The app uses a “one-size-fits-one” approach to learning, which means that a single cohesive learning experience is modified based on each person’s individual needs. The app includes customization options such as contrast, text size, font style, and background color, as well as enabling auto-scrolling and voice narration. One of the most interactive parts of the Journey app is the “Salmon Run” experience, which is designed to be enjoyable and engaging for students. The experience includes a tactile element, with a salmon figure that students can manipulate, and various sensorial feedback mechanisms. Students can adjust the interaction mode based on their preferences, such as excluding sound or vibration or making more nuanced adjustments like setting maximum levels of brightness and air pressure. We, the developers of the Journey app envision a diverse library of elements that the interaction can use, including different types of vibration patterns and sounds, so that someone who wants to optimize for auditory information or visual information can still have a multi-dimensional sensorial experience. By emphasizing individual choice and autonomy in their design, the developers hope to create a more inclusive and enjoyable learning experience for all students.

Project Details

  • Class: Introduction to Interaction Design
  • Instructor: Zach Pino

Video Wallkthrough

