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By Jorge Martinez Arana | Roxanne Hoffman | Sandhini Ghodeshwar | Shinichiro Kuwahara

May 11, 2023

Centering self-tracking in designed experiences

Centering self-tracking in designed experiences

Memiro is a novel approach to self-tracking that seeks to redefine the way we collect and analyze data, particularly in vulnerable contexts. While self-tracking and the quantified self movement have been useful in helping individuals better understand themselves, they have also been controversial due to the potential biases of the digital twins that are created. The four scenarios developed by Memiro aim to empower marginalized groups by providing personalized tracking systems that are decentralized, encrypted, and anonymized.

For example, individuals who are threatened by reproductive rights violations can encode their menstrual and birth control data into everyday objects, thus keeping their sensitive information safe. Those belonging to marginalized communities can contribute to community-centered safety maps that only incorporate trusted data sources. People experiencing bodily transition can benefit from a system that takes into account their dynamic context and enables interaction with bodily image and movement data in an intimate and meaningful way. Lastly, people aging or experiencing cognitive decline can use Memiro tools to plan for their digital legacy, ensuring that their personal interpretation of data is preserved.

Memiro’s research emphasizes the need for technology and data practitioners to develop self-tracking tools that are sensitive to vulnerable contexts, promote data literacy, and preserve personal interpretation. By embracing these values, the Memiro perspective aims to create a more inclusive and empowering approach to self-tracking that can benefit everyone. (

Project Details

  • Instructor: Zach Pino
  • Project Partner: NEC America

