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News & Stories

Anijo Mathew

Where Must Design Go Next?

Kevin Budelmann, President of Peopledesign

John Payne and Weslynne Ashton

How Can Design Make the Biggest Impact?

Diverse group of people holding a flag

Layers of a War

Painting the Town Rainbow

She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation: Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2022)

ID Community Leads Discussion on Design and Public Health in She Ji

Maura Shea and Kim Erwin

Why Is Design Always Talking About Complexity?

Ruth Schmidt and Carlos Teixeira

What If Human-Centered Design Isn’t Enough?

Zach Pino and Matt Mayfield

How Do You Teach Design for Tomorrow?

Marty Thaler and Tomoko Ichikawa

How Does Someone Become a Designer?

Jarrett Fuller

Introducing the Second Season of ID’s With Intent Podcast

Jon Veal, Co-Founder and Creative Director of alt_

2021 Latham Fellow Jon Veal Has Died

Food Systems Action Lab Director Weslynne Ashton on Sustainability, Capitals, and Food Waste

Miguel Ángel Cervantes

Memorial for Miguel Ángel Cervantes (MDes 2010)

Kim Erwin on the Design of Business | The Business of Design

Equitable Healthcare Action Lab Director Kim Erwin featured on DBBD from Design Observer

Weslynne Ashton at Inside Climate News

VICE cites Laura Forlano’s 2020 paper; “Participation Is Not a Design Fix for Machine Learning”

ID Faculty and Alumni Participate in Young Men of Color Summit
