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of desiGn

Our Work

Dog modeling Pooch product

An Apple Watch for Dogs?

A New Model for Hybrid Life

Redesigning Carceral Education for a Pandemic

Skyline and highway

What Your Semi-Autonomous Driving Experience Might Look Like

Greening the Electricity System

Anti-racist pop ups

ID Faculty and Students Coordinate Anti-racist Pop-ups in Chicago

Preparing for the Next Pandemic

Food items

Transforming Chicago’s Food Ecosystem for Everyone’s Benefit

Open-access guide illustration

How Design is Demystifying Cancer Treatment

Inclusion Diagnostic Floor Plan Tool

Return to a More Inclusive Workplace

The CareBand wearable with application

Destigmatizing Dementia with Design

Rendering of Zenblen vending machine

Smoothie Making Finds It Zen with ID students

Flag Calumet prototype on Illinois Tech Campus

Redeveloping Brownfields with Flag Calumet

Photo of Rebuilding Exchange's empty workshop

Product Design and Upcycling During COVID-19

DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment) logo

Rethinking Research Assessment

remoteID research

remoteID: Reimagining Design Education, Online

Product Workshop Spring 2020 Concepts

Design During COVID-19

Tomoko Ichikawa workshop

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Promoting Equity in Care and Outcomes
