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MetaMorphers: ID’s End of Year Show

Explore the 2023 EOYS online or in person.

June 8, 2023

ID presents the End of Year Show (EOYS) both online and in person for the second consecutive year.

Created by ID students, the EOYS showcases the range of student projects completed in the past year. This year’s show explores themes of time, transforming imagination into reality, creating impact in a complex world, our collective potential, and shifting from chaos to order.

The show opened on May 12 with a celebration that drew over 350 attendees.

Insights on Our Work

Get to know the projects as students present and introduce them at the EOYS opening.

As civilization evolves, we face new and unforeseen challenges that are local and global, discrete and interconnected, artificial and organic – the need for mindful transformation is now greater than ever.
Designers are Metamorphers: agents of transformation. We drive to shift things into the future, bring creations to life, shape actions and attitudes, harness the power of the collective and make sense from the abstract.
—ID EOYS team

Explore the Online Show

Discover projects by theme or explore the entire 2023 show.






Visit the Show in Person

Kaplan Institute
3137 South Federal Street, Second Floor
Chicago, IL 60616

Hours: 8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday
Inquire at the ID office on the second floor.

The show runs through Spring 2024.

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